Talloni' I will share your poem with my Tuesday Guitar group (30) . How about chords
to go with your poem. We have a talent show coming up in the month of October (Senior center),
it is a nice poem "My Guitar My friend", good job.
one of my interests is music and i play an acoustic guitar.. i wrote a poem about my guitar and thought i'd share it with you.
my poem doesn't match up to some of compound complex's work however, i'd really appreciate any feedback you can give.. my guitar my friend.
reaching for my old companion.
Talloni' I will share your poem with my Tuesday Guitar group (30) . How about chords
to go with your poem. We have a talent show coming up in the month of October (Senior center),
it is a nice poem "My Guitar My friend", good job.
is everyone familiar with dr. hugh ross and his organization reasons to believe?
i have learned much from this ministry.. hugh ross is a trained scientist and pastor who specialises in marrying the bible with science (both of which are records of truth).
he has an msc and phd in astronomy and was a post-doctoral fellow with the california institute of technology.
I like this guy, he is good. He said that Adam was the first Jew and the father of the Jews,
but not the father of mankind. He also argued that Eve was not the first woman, but
the first Jewish woman.
I have said this before, Adam was the first spiritual man that may make sense..
is everyone familiar with dr. hugh ross and his organization reasons to believe?
i have learned much from this ministry.. hugh ross is a trained scientist and pastor who specialises in marrying the bible with science (both of which are records of truth).
he has an msc and phd in astronomy and was a post-doctoral fellow with the california institute of technology.
I checked to see H. Ross views today, the reason I posted this old topic.
my question, why would one immigrate to the west and refuse to adopt the western cultural?.
if you believe our way of life is so degenerated why bring your family to this place.. in a very close 5-4 vote, the city of irving ruled to back the texas state bill banning foreign.
law from the state.
Coded Logic. My point about believing our way of life is so degenerating I was referring to
the group in the articles I mention, the cities in the US where they want to practice Sharia Law.
I realize the Constitution will not allow it but they are fighting it in courts across this country.
Others have mention here it is a difficult issues....ttdtt: we get your point, but can you cease from the
name calling, Are you still a JW? We are not talking about Muslims replacing the Constitution with
Sharia Law...
is everyone familiar with dr. hugh ross and his organization reasons to believe?
i have learned much from this ministry.. hugh ross is a trained scientist and pastor who specialises in marrying the bible with science (both of which are records of truth).
he has an msc and phd in astronomy and was a post-doctoral fellow with the california institute of technology.
Leading progressive creationist Hugh Ross and his fellow progressive creationist,
along with other Pre-Adamite proponents, are trying to rescue the Bible from a
perceived conflict with 'science' by reinterpreting the Bible rather than by questioning the
Could there have been human creatures, commonly called pre-adamite, living on earth before
God created Adam? Many believers will think this a foolish question, but it is in fact the belief of
many evangelicals. H. Ross teaches something similar when he says that "bipedal tool-using large
brained primates roamed earth for 100's or thousands (perhaps a million) years.
I thought this was very interesting. Why did they become extinct?
Ross said" the world was a place of death, violence and decay for 100's of thousands/millions
of years before the curse recorded in Gen:3:14-19. He make the extraordinary statement; "The
step-by-step approach to bipedal primate creation that we can see in the recent fossil record may
reasonably reflect God's understanding of the difficulty other life-forms would encounter in
adapting to sinful humans"....... God still didn't know how things would turn out.LOL
My question to believers here, do you know of any ministers that believe in the Pre-Adamites??
my question, why would one immigrate to the west and refuse to adopt the western cultural?.
if you believe our way of life is so degenerated why bring your family to this place.. in a very close 5-4 vote, the city of irving ruled to back the texas state bill banning foreign.
law from the state.
ttdtt: Sharia Law In America www.billionbibleg.org/shari/america-sharia-law.html.
Sharia law in the U.S has reached penetration phase 3.
Maybe you should google Sharia laws and how it has grown throughout the world and
Texas, Michigan,Florida,Minnesota before you call folks morons.....
my new girlfriend asked me over dinner last night what jw's believe.
as i sat there explaining it i realized how ridiculous it sounds and was slightly embarrassed that i used to believe this crap for 31 years.. try and read this and imagine hearing it for the first time.... me: well... jw believe that god's name is jehovah and that his son is jesus christ.
they believe that jesus died on a stake and not a cross and that in the year 1914 he personally chosen the jw's as his one true religion.
Jesus was A JW, he didn't know it at the time.....
my question, why would one immigrate to the west and refuse to adopt the western cultural?.
if you believe our way of life is so degenerated why bring your family to this place.. in a very close 5-4 vote, the city of irving ruled to back the texas state bill banning foreign.
law from the state.
I didn't say is was implemented I said it is coming. "Sharia law is alive and well in
the UK as investigation uncovers shocking details," soon to be aired here.
What issue was the Mayor of the city of Irving referring too, "however, now that this issue
has emerged in our community" from her Facebook account???
my question, why would one immigrate to the west and refuse to adopt the western cultural?.
if you believe our way of life is so degenerated why bring your family to this place.. in a very close 5-4 vote, the city of irving ruled to back the texas state bill banning foreign.
law from the state.
Lisa: The vote in Texas very close 5-4 with a radical group of Muslims.
i was just thinking about the wts and child abuse crimes/accusations.. in ancient israel, jehovah used the surrounding nations to punish israel for its wickedness.. seeing as the wts always likes to draw comparison between ancient israel and today, what about today?
could a witness argue that god is currently using 'worldly' courts to punish jw sex abusers and the wts?.
has anyone posted this before?
He is punishing the RF not the GB. The GB are beyond reproach.